Program Management |
TM-0.0a | Memo | Design Terms and Acronyms - Decoder ring for alphabet soup and project lingo, to promote consistency and coordination among design teams. | 2008-09-05 |
TM-0.1 | Memo | 15 Percent Design Scope Guidelines - Guidance for the minimum level of engineering (referred to as 15% Design) required to support the project-specific EIR/EIS process. | 2008-05-12 |
TM-0.2 | Memo | Tech Memo Review Protocol | 2008-Q4 |
TM-0.3 | Memo | Basis of Design - Defines the major components and performance objectives of the high-speed rail system as envisioned by the CHSRA, outlining goals, requirements, and assumptions. Underpins the entire engineering effort. | 2007-12-20 |
TM-0.3 | Memo | Basis of Design Policy | 2009-Q2 |
TM-0.4 | Memo | Project Development Process | 2007-Q4 |
TM-0.5 | Memo | Coordination with Caltrans - Process to be followed when HSR encroaches on Caltrans highways. Discusses the coordination between CHSRA and Caltrans to streamline the approval process. | 2009-12-30 |
TM-0.6 | Memo | Risk Register Development Protocol - Common standard for project risk identification, assessment, analysis, management /mitigation, and review. | 2010-03-01 |
TM-0.7 | Memo | Design Submittal and Review Protocol - Defines how contractor teams submit their work in progress and conduct reviews with Parsons Brinckerhoff senior engineering management. Includes flow chart of the entire process, based on PB's ProjectSolve web database interface. | 2009-07-08 |
TM-0.8 | Memo | Programmatic Cost Update Methodology | 2008-Q3 |
TM-0.9 | Memo | Draft RPA Protocol | 2010-Q3 |
General Design - Infrastructure |
TM-1.1.0 | Memo | Design Criteria - Basic design parameters for preliminary alignment and infrastructure, for the overall corridor. Summarizes a few key design parameters that are extensively described in other memos. | 2007-03-19 |
TM-1.1.1 | Memo | Codes, Regulations, Design Standards and Guidelines - System-wide applicable regulations, codes, and design standards. Defines order of precedence, conflict resolution, and protocols for obtaining variances. | 2009-07-10 |
TM-1.1.2 | Memo | Design Life - Minimum design life for permanent and temporary infrastructure and systems elements, defining the initial frame of reference for establishing maintenance activities and frequency. | 2009-06-04 |
TM-1.1.4 | Memo | Engineering Survey and Mapping - Requirements for horizontal and vertical datum and control, photogrammetric mapping accuracy, depiction of man-made features and existing property information, digital terrain modelling (DTM), and engineering survey procedures aimed to support design development through the 30% Design level. | 2010-03-02 |
TM-1.1.5 | Memo | CADD Guidelines - Guidelines for the development of Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) drawings for the preliminary design. Ensures many different contractors work to the same standards. | 2010-03-09 |
TM-1.1.6 | Memo | Alignment Standards for Shared Use Corridors (LA - Anaheim) - Defines track alignment standards for the LOSSAN corridor where HSR operates adjacent to or within a shared right-of-way with conventional passenger railroad lines and freight railroad lines. Does not apply to Caltrain corridor, but may be very similar. | 2007-12-17 |
TM-1.1.7 | Memo | Shared Use Corridor HST Criteria - Caltrain Corridor | 2010-Q2 |
TM-1.1.8 | Memo | Demarcation of Territorial Subdivisions and Milepost Numerics - Rationale for defining discrete sections of the project as “subdivisions” and for further refining into mile posts with designations that will enable the precise location of system resources and assets. | 2009-09-16 |
TM-1.1.8 | Map | Subdivision Milepost Map - Shows subdivision names and milepost numbering superimposed on a geographical map. | 2008-04-09 |
TM-1.1.8A | Drawing | Systemwide Track Schematic - Schematic track map of the entire California HSR system, including mileposts, stations, crossovers, subdivision names, etc. | 2010-03-08 |
TM-1.1.9 | Memo | Flooding and Drainage | 2010-Q2 |
TM-1.1.10 | Memo | High-Speed Equipment Structure Gauges - Design Criteria for determination of required clearances around tracks and vehicles, based on existing high speed rail vehicles from Europe and Asia. Includes equipment outlines, static, dynamic, and structural gauges. | 2010-03-19 |
TM-1.1.10 | Drawing | High-Speed Equipment Structure Gauges - Drawings of required clearances around tracks and vehicles, based on a composite vehicle outline that will accommodate any European or Asian high-speed trains. | 2010-04-16 |
TM-1.1.16 | Memo | Shared Use Corridor HST Criteria | 2008-Q1 |
TM-1.1.18 | Memo | Design Variance Guidelines - Procedure for identifying, preparing, requesting, and documenting a design variance (i.e. exception or deviation) from a minimum design standard, standard drawing, standard specification, adopted standard, or design guideline. | 2008-06-02 |
TM-1.1.19 | Memo | Capital Cost Estimating Methodology for 15 Percent Design - Capital Cost Estimating Methodology (CCEM). Provides guidance for preparing and presenting estimated capital costs for the project’s 15% Design level. Describes the roles and responsibilities for preparing capital cost estimates, defines the estimating tasks, and outlines the procedures and standards to be used. | 2009-07-20 |
TM-1.1.21 | Memo | Typical Cross Sections for15 Percent Design - Rationale for the configuration of guideway to be constructed along the high-speed train alignment, including required right-of-way for various conditions: Two Track At-Grade, Intermediate Stations, Rail-Shared Corridors, Elevated / Aerial Guideway, Trench / Retained Cut, Single Track Formations, Four Track At-Grade. | 2009-04-04 |
TM-1.1.21 | Drawing | Typical Cross Sections for15 Percent Design - Supporting drawings for TM-1.1.21, including trench and tunnel configurations as well as vertical clearances for structures. | 2010-08-03 |
TM-1.1.22 | Memo | Capital Cost Estimating Methodology for 30 Percent Design | 2010-Q3 |
Track Alignment |
TM-2.1.2 | Memo | Alignment Design Standards for High-Speed Train Operation - Basis of design and alignment criteria for dedicated high-speed tracks. Includes review of foreign practice and applicable regulations. | 2009-03-26 |
TM-2.1.3 | Memo | Turnouts and Station Tracks - Turnout, crossover, and station connection track geometries, including review of foreign practice. | 2009-06-29 |
TM-2.1.3 | Drawing | Turnouts and Station Track Schematics - Turnout, crossover, and station connection track geometry requirements. | 2010-04-09 |
TM-2.1.3 | Drawing | Typical Interlocking Schematics - Interlocking (signaling) housing locations at stations and cross-overs. Shows total length of a station with 110 mph turnouts. | 2010-03-08 |
TM-2.1.5 | Memo | Track Design | 2010-Q1 |
TM-2.1.6 | Memo | Ballast-less Track | 2009-Q4 |
TM-2.1.7 | Memo | Intrusion Protection - Basis of design for the safe separation of CHSR lines from adjacent transportation systems, including vehicle intrusion and derailment containment. | 2008-10-25 |
TM-2.1.8 | Memo | Turnouts and Yard Tracks - Guidance for the geometric design of turnouts, crossovers, yard lead and yard tracks. Does not cover spacing, length or nature of yard tracks for specific purposes (see TM-5.x). | 2009-07-17 |
Station Design |
TM-2.2.2 | Memo | Station Program Design Guidelines - Identifies the facilities, designated spaces, design elements, and service amenities to be provided at passenger stations. Does not include platform geometries or station site design. | 2009-02-19 |
TM-2.2.3 | Memo | Station Program Site Design Guidelines - Guidelines for site design at high-speed train passenger stations, including layout principles, sizing, access, facility design, and site infrastructure. Does not cover specific sizing or configuration of individual stations. | 2009-04-10 |
TM-2.2.4 | Memo | Station Platform Geometric Design - Guidance for high-speed train station platform design, including operations, passenger safety, and regulatory requirements. Establishes station platform design geometry, clearance and functional elements such as drainage provisions. Reviews European and Asian practices. | 2010-06-30 |
TM-2.2.4 | Drawing | Station Platform Geometric Design - Cross sections of a generic mid-line station configuration, either at-grade or elevated | 2010-06-04 |
TM-2.2.4 | Drawing | Station Platform Geometric Design - Drawings of a generic mid-line station configuration, 6000 feet long with 1300 ft platforms. | 2009-07-29 |
Bridge Design |
TM-2.3.1 | Memo | Aesthetic Guidelines for High-Speed Aerial Structures | 2009-Q2 |
TM-2.3.2 | Memo | Structure Design Loads - Defines the permanent and transient load effects used in the design of bridges, aerial structures, and grade separations that directly support high-speed trains. Does not cover non-aerial structure types such as tunnels etc. | 2010-06-17 |
TM-2.3.3 | Memo | Design Guidelines for Aerial Structures - Guidelines for the design of aerial structures, including structural performance, functionality, safety, serviceability, economy and trackside environment. Reviews foreign practice in Europe and Asia. Explains rationale for standard aerial structures shown in drawings. | 2009-06-02 |
TM-2.3.3 | Drawing | Design Guidelines for Aerial Structures - Cross-sections of two-track aerial structures, including sizing of support columns. | 2009-07-07 |
Tunnel Design |
TM-2.4.2 | Memo | Basic High-Speed Train Tunnel Configuration - Establishes approximate finished dimensions for bored and cut-and-cover tunnels in which high-speed passenger trains run exclusively, for use during 15% Design. Accounts for pressure effects from high-speed operation, which results in larger cross sections. | 2009-07-30 |
TM-2.4.2 | Drawing | Basic High-Speed Train Tunnel Configuration - Cross section drawings of a typical bored tunnel and cut-and-cover tunnel, based on the assumptions of the largest rolling stock (Shinkansen bilevel) and a configuration of two separate single-track tunnels. | 2009-07-30 |
TM-2.4.5 | Memo | High-Speed Train Tunnel Structures - Basic issues related to the structural design of permanent cast-in-place concrete or sprayed concrete liners for mined rock tunnels, including design life, durability, loads and analyses. | 2010-07-29 |
TM-2.4.5A | Drawing | Single Track Mined Tunnel Cross Section - Cross section drawing of a typical mined tunnel. Shows design features, but no dimensions. | 2010-06-30 |
TM-2.4.6 | Memo | High-Speed Train Tunnel Portal Facilities - Portal infrastructure to be considered for tunnels used exclusively by high-speed passenger trains, including facilities for ventilation, emergency response, maintenance, noise and pressure wave mitigation, rescue, etc. Not your typical tunnel portal, more like something out of a James Bond movie. | 2010-06-21 |
TM-2.4.8 | Memo | Service and Maintenance Considerations for Tunnels - Inspection, service and maintenance activities that may be required to be performed within each high-speed train tunnel. | 2010-06-25 |
Building Structural Design |
TM-2.5.1 | Memo | Structural Design of Surface Facilities and Buildings - Guidance and requirements for the design of surface facilities and buildings that do not provide the supporting structure for high-speed trains (see TM-2.3.3), such as stations, pedestrian and road bridges, wayside structures, maintenance facilities, etc. | 2010-06-10 |
Drainage and Grading |
TM-2.6.3 | Memo | Hydrology | 2009-Q4 |
TM-2.6.4 | Memo | Floodplain | 2009-Q3 |
TM-2.6.5 | Memo | Hydraulics and Hydrology Design Guidelines - Design standards for the hydrologic analysis (floods, surface runoff) and design of hydraulic facilities (culverts, channels, drainage, pumps, debris control) within the high-speed train corridor. | 2010-06-08 |
TM-2.6.7 | Memo | Earthwork and Trackbed Design Guidelines - Guidance and requirements for earthworks, grading, earth retaining systems, and trackbed configuration to support 15% design. Reviews US and foreign practice. | 2009-07-23 |
Utilities |
TM-2.7.4 | Memo | Utility Requirements for 15% Design - Standards and procedures for the location, assessment, protection and placement of underground and overhead utilities located within and in proximity of the HSR right of way. Also defines justification criteria for utility encroachments. | 2008-11-20 |
Safety and Security |
TM-2.8.1 | Memo | Safety and Security | 2009-Q3 |
Geotechnical Studies |
TM-2.9.1 | Memo | Geotechnical Investigation Guidelines - Standardized methodology, terminology and procedures for sub-surface geotechnical site characterization, including exploration and field and laboratory testing. | 2009-05-22 |
TM-2.9.2 | Memo | Geotechnical Reports Preparation Guidelines - Defines content and format for the geotechnical reports that will present the findings of the geotechnical investigations and analyses that are performed during preliminary and final design. | 2009-05-22 |
TM-2.9.3 | Memo | Geologic and Seismic Hazard Analysis Guidelines - Guidance for the identification, evaluation, data analysis, and presentation of geologic and seismic hazards (fault rupture, liquefaction, landslides, karst terrain, volcanic hazards, erosion, subsidence, flooding, etc.), giving reference to existing guidance and literature. | 2009-06-15 |
TM-2.9.4 | Memo | Preliminary Active Fault Locations and Design Considerations | 2009-Q3 |
TM-2.9.5 | Memo | Preliminary Design Earthquake Guidelines for 30 Percent Design | 2010-Q1 |
TM-2.9.6 | Memo | Interim Ground Motion Guidelines - Guidelines for developing interim (i.e. 30% design) ground motion criteria. Defines design earthquake levels, and seismic performance criteria including the No Collapse Level (NCL), the Safe Performance Level (SPL), and the Operating Performance Level (OPL). | 2010-03-04 |
TM-2.9.7 | Memo | Acceleration Response Spectra for Final Design | 2010-Q4 |
TM-2.9.9 | Memo | Final Earthquake Ground Motions for Final Design | 2010-Q4 |
TM-2.9.10 | Memo | Geotechnical Design Guidelines - Guidelines for geotechnical analysis and design criteria for high-speed train infrastructure facilities such as bridge and viaduct foundations, slopes, cuts, fills, embankments, retaining walls, excavation bracing, culverts, drainage, etc. | 2010-06-30 |
Seismic Studies |
TM-2.10.1 | Memo | Seismic Performance Criteria and Design Basis | 2009-Q2 |
TM-2.10.2 | Memo | Technical Advisory Panel Work Plan | 2009-Q2 |
TM-2.10.3 | Memo | Technical Advisory Panel Summary | 2010-Q2 |
TM-2.10.4 | Memo | Interim Seismic Design Criteria - Guidance for the seismic design for high-speed train bridges and aerial structures, tunnels and underground structures, passenger stations and buildings, in consideration of the fact that the HSR alignment passes through some of the most seismically active regions of California, including crossings of major fault systems. | 2009-06-08 |
TM-2.10.5 | Memo | 15% Design Seismic Design Benchmarks - Benchmark guidelines for all structures that directly support track and running high-speed trains including bridges, aerial structures, tunnels and underground structures, passenger stations and buildings. These simple guidelines support only the 15% design level for the EIR/EIS process. TM-2.10.4 applies to later design stages. | 2010-03-29 |
TM-2.10.6 | Memo | Fault Rupture Analysis and Mitigation - Guidelines for the identification of seismic fault hazard zones near the HSR alignment, methods to determine the rupture displacement characteristics, and a variety of mitigation measures to ensure survivability. | 2010-06-11 |
TM-2.10.7 | Memo | Final Seismic Design Criteria (30 Percent and Final Design) | 2010-Q3 |
TM-2.10.8 | Memo | Structures Type Selection Development Procedures | 2010-Q3 |
TM-2.10.9 | Memo | Final Fault Crossing Design Criteria and Guidance | 2010-Q4 |
TM-2.10.10 | Memo | Track-Structure Interaction - Specific requirements for high-speed track and structure interaction for aerial structures and bridges (but not tracks supported on grade), such as dynamic performance, traffic safety, rail-structure interaction, and passenger comfort. | 2010-06-30 |
TM-2.10.11 | Memo | Passenger Comfort Design Criteria for Structures | 2010-Q4 |
Traction Power - General |
TM- | Memo | Traction Power 2 x 25kV Autotransformer Electrification System - Technical rationale for selection of 25 kV overhead electrification, traction power system configuration, utility interfaces, and voltage limits. | 2010-03-31 |
TM- | Memo | Traction Power Facilities - Drawings of standardized power substations, switching, and paralleling stations to be built along the right-of-way to supply and distribute electrical traction power. | 2010-06-08 |
TM- | Memo | Traction Power Facilities General Standardization Requirements - Standardized sizing, layout and placement of the three kinds of electrical facilities used to supply and distribute traction power: substations, switching stations and paralleling stations. | 2010-06-10 |
TM- | Memo | Overhead Contact System and Negative Feeder Feeds | 2009-Q2 |
Traction Power - System Analysis |
TM- | Memo | Initial Segment Traction Power System Analysis | 2008-Q4 |
TM- | Memo | Full System Traction Power System Analysis | 2009-Q3 |
Traction Power - Facilities |
TM- | Memo | Utility Power Supply for Traction Power Supply System - Requirements for commercial electric power utility interface to the HSR system, including voltage ranges, redundancy, and space requirements for utility feeds. | 2010-06-15 |
TM- | Drawing | Utility Power Supply for Traction Power Supply System - Drawings showing the relationship of utility high voltage power feeds to HSR system traction power substations. | 2010-06-11 |
Overhead Contact System |
TM-3.2.1 | Memo | Overhead Contact System Requirements - Review of standards and best practices to provide design criteria for the overhead contact system (OCS), the high voltage electrical wires that are strung above the tracks to supply power to trains. | 2009-07-14 |
TM-3.2.1 | Drawing | Overhead Contact System - Drawings of standard configurations for the overhead contact system (OCS) including pole, headspan and portal arrangements, key dimensions, nomenclature of component parts, etc. | 2009-07-07 |
TM-3.2.2 | Memo | Overhead Contact System Structural Requirements - Defines the structural loads experienced by overhead contact system components and establishes limits on deflections and failure modes, considering all environments and climate, especially wind loading. | 2010-06-08 |
TM-3.2.3 | Memo | Pantograph Clearance Envelopes - Review of European and Asian practice, and guidance for mechanical and electrical clearances around pantographs (the train-mounted devices that capture electrical power from the overhead contact system). | 2009-07-17 |
TM-3.2.3 | Drawing | Pantograph Clearance Envelopes - Dimensioned drawings of pantograph clearance envelopes at two wire heights, with or without curve superelevation, in either open track or in tunnels. | 2009-07-07 |
TM-3.2.5 | Memo | OCS Electrical Requirements | 2009-Q2 |
TM-3.2.6 | Memo | Grounding, Bonding and Protection From Electrical Shock - Reviews standards and best practices to provide criteria for the traction electrification system (TES) grounding and bonding requirements and for protection against electric shock. Covers traction power systems, overhead contact system, station platforms, structures, and overhead bridge protection. | 2010-06-11 |
TM-3.2.6 | Drawing | Grounding, Bonding and Protection From Electrical Shock - Schematics of grounding and bonding for elevated structures, tunnels, station platforms and overhead bridges. | 2010-06-11 |
TM-3.2.7 | Memo | OCS Mechanical Requirements | 2009-Q2 |
Train Control |
TM-3.3.1 | Memo | Automatic Train Control: Concept of System - Describes the functions of the Automatic Train Control (ATC) system including Automatic Train Protection (ATP), Automatic Train Operation (ATO), Automatic Train Supervision (ATS), and Positive Train Control (PTC). The key requirement is that the technology must already exist as part of an operating system with proven experience worldwide on at least one high speed passenger railway. | 2010-06-25 |
TM-3.3.1 | Drawing | Automatic Train Control: Concept of System - Block diagrams of two possible approaches to ATC: one based on the European ERTMS radio-based solution, and another on the Japanese Digital-ATC cab signal solution. | 2010-06-25 |
TM-3.3.2 | Memo | Automatic Train Control Site Requirements - Identifies the physical area required for train control system equipment such as enclosures and housings, wayside signals (if used), ATC communications infrastructure such as housings and antenna towers, and associated access requirements. | 2010-06-25 |
TM-3.3.2 | Drawing | Automatic Train Control Site Requirements - Drawings showing typical sizes for ATC wayside equipment sites at stations and interlockings, as well as typical wayside signals (dwarf, mast and bridge configurations) | 2010-06-25 |
TM-3.3.3 | Memo | Automatic Train Control Wayside Power Supply Options - Considers pros and cons of various available power sources for automatic train control equipment along the right-of-way, such as utility power drop, cabling from nearest HSR facility, drop-feed and step-down from overhead contact system, and solar/wind plus battery systems. | 2010-06-25 |
TM-3.3.4 | Drawing | Ground and Bonding for Train Control and Communications - Schematics for grounding and bonding of track circuits in open track, at interlockings, and at wayside signal equipment. | 2010-06-08 |
TM-3.3.4 | Memo | Ground and Bonding for Train Control and Communications - Describes the grounding and bonding interfaces and criteria required to ensure the correct operation of train control and communications systems in co-existence with high-voltage overhead traction power systems. | 2010-06-10 |
TM-3.3.11 | Memo | Measurement Procedure for EMI Footprint - Standard procedure for measuring the level of EMI (Electro-magnetic interference) in the vicinity of the HSR right-of-way. These measurements are necessary for development of a system-wide EMI footprint and for assessment of electro-magnetic compatibility impacts (arising from HSR as well as impacting on HSR) | 2010-03-31 |
Communications |
TM-3.4.1 | Memo | Communications System Topology | 2009-Q4 |
TM-3.4.2 | Memo | Communications Systems Site Requirements - Lists the expected communications functions and components required at each type of facility (control centers, stations, traction power substations, wayside train control cabinets, tunnels, yards). Includes drawings of communication facility layouts. | 2010-07-01 |
TM-3.4.2 | Drawing | Communications Systems Site Requirements - Drawings of communications facility layouts (already included in corresponding tech memo) | 2010-07-08 |
TM-3.4.3 | Memo | Network Management System | 2010-Q1 |
TM-3.4.4 | Memo | Communications Backbone Technology and Protocols | 2010-Q2 |
TM-3.4.10 | Memo | Electromagnetic Compatibility Design Criteria | 2009-Q2 |
TM-3.4.12 | Memo | SCADA Requirements for Traction Electrification System | 2010-Q1 |
Operations |
TM-4.1 | Memo | LA - Anaheim Concept Level Operational Feasibility Study - Concept level analysis undertaken in 2008 to estimate the number of high-speed trains that could be operated on the LOSSAN Corridor between Los Angeles Union Station (LAUS) and Anaheim. This study examined the feasibility of four different track configuration and operational scenarios. Events have since overtaken the conclusions of this analysis, since local agencies favor the shared-track alternative. | 2008-07-21 |
TM-4.1 Appx. A | Appendix | Appendix A Network Schematics - Track network schematics showing how the various LOSSAN alternatives are configured. | 2008-07-21 |
TM-4.1 Appx. B1 | Appendix | Appendix B Stringlines - Detailed string line diagrams (showing each train's location versus time) of a typical day's service pattern under the various LOSSAN alternatives. | 2008-07-21 |
TM-4.1 Appx. B2 | Appendix | Appendix B Stringlines - Continued from previous file (Appendix B is split into two files) | 2008-07-21 |
TM-4.1.1 | Memo | Justification for Two-Track Station Configuration - LA to Anaheim - Extremely short memo mentions the possibility of two-track HSR-only stations in the LOSSAN corridor under the assumption of dedicated HSR tracks, an alternative that was still in favor as of 2009. Mostly overtaken by events since then. | 2009-07-10 |
TM-4.2 | Memo | Phase 1 Service Plan - Concept level state-wide HSR service plan and hypothetical timetable that has served as the basis for ridership estimates, stopping patterns, fleet sizing, yard sizing and terminal station sizing. The service plan and ridership studies reinforce each other to justify extremely optimistic assumptions that dictate very generous sizing of HSR infrastucture. This document also includes string line diagrams and a proposed timetable. | 2008-11-20 |
TM-4.3 | Memo | Full Build Service Plan - Draft of concept level state-wide HSR service plan including extensions to San Diego and Sacramento, that has served as the basis for ridership estimates, stopping patterns, fleet sizing, yard sizing and terminal station sizing. | 2009-01-12 |
TM-4.3 Appx. A1 | Appendix | Appendix A1 Full Build Stopping Patterns - Stopping patterns for the full-build system including San Diego and Sacramento. | 2009-01-12 |
TM-4.3 Appx. A3 | Appendix | Appendix A3 Full Build Stringlines - Detailed string line diagrams (showing each train's location versus time) of a typical day's service pattern in the full-build system. Note junctions whimsically named after PB program management staff. | 2009-01-12 |
TM-4.3 Appx. A4 | Appendix | Appendix A4 Full Build Equipment Cycles - Spreadsheet dump of daily operation with trainsets allocated to each service for fleet sizing purposes. | 2009-01-12 |
TM-4.4 | Memo | Operations & Maintenance Cost Model | 2009-Q3 |
Maintenance |
TM-5.1 | Memo | Terminal and Heavy Maintenance Facility Guidelines - Preliminary guidelines for identifying locations and designing the maintenance and layup facilities for the HSR system. Includes extensive analysis of maintenance practices in France (TGV) and Japan (Shinkansen). Defines facility types, functions, layouts and sizing of maintenance facilities. | 2009-08-25 |
TM-5.1 | Drawing | Terminal and Heavy Maintenance Facility Guidelines - Conceptual plans of the HMF (Heavy Maintenance Facility) as well as storage and maintenance yards in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Anaheim, Sacramento, San Diego, or combined LA/Anaheim. Shows track layout and facility dimensions. | 2009-07-22 |
TM-5.2 | Drawing | Maintenance of Way Facilities - Conceptual plans for small maintenance-of-way facilities to be located at various points along the right-of-way. | 2009-07-23 |
TM-5.3 | Memo | Maintenance Facilities Requirements Summary - Defines requirements for maintenance facility access, employee parking, and site location. Also gives sizes in acres of each planned facility. Facility functional requirements are covered in TM-5.1. | 2009-08-31 |
Rolling Stock |
TM-6.1 | Memo | Selected Train Technologies - Identifies the available range of high-speed trainsets that are or may be capable of 220 mph (350 km/h) operation. Briefly describes the characteristics of each technology that need to be taken into account in infrastructure design. Includes tractive effort diagrams to support train performance simulations. | 2008-05-30 |
TM-6.2 | Memo | Introduction of Euro/Asian Rolling Stock to California | 2009-Q3 |
TM-6.3 | Memo | Trainset Configuration Analysis and Recommendation - Examines pros and cons of various HSR trainset architectures (single vs. bi-level, power units vs. distributed traction, availability from multiple vendors) and concludes that California should use single-level, high-platform, electric multiple units (EMUs). | 2009-09-23 |
Regulatory Approvals |
TM-7.2 | Memo | FRA Criteria Applicability | 2009-Q2 |
TM-7.3 | Memo | International Rail Standards Comparison - Reviews and compares the various international rail standards. Describes international standards bodies, their interrelationships and how they address high-speed rail. Recommends that US regulatory framework be based on European Technical Standards for Interoperability (TSI). | 2009-04-27 |
TM-7.4 | Memo | Hazard Identification and Mitigation | 2009-Q3 |
TM-7.5 | Memo | FRA System Overview | 2009-Q4 |
TM-7.6 | Memo | Product Safety Plan Outline | 2009-Q2 |
TM-7.7 | Memo | RSPP Safety Plan Outline | 2009-Q2 |