02 March 2025

March 2025 Open Thread

The comment section from the last post is about to overflow, so here is an open thread to keep the discussions going. Some noteworthy developments fished out of the previous comments:

  • Caltrain's corridor-wide grade separation strategy continues to evolve towards its final form, with a prioritized list of grade separations due for adoption this summer. Of note, grade separations are now allowed 2% grades without a design exception, which removes the need to design an entire 1% project before seeking the exception. Steeper grades are a good start for shorter grade separations, but we also need to reduce freight train speeds to 45 mph throughout the corridor to tighten up vertical curve radii. A freight train requires the same vertical curve radius at 45 mph as a passenger train at 110 mph, such that freight speed limits any higher than 45 mph result in freight-driven designs that are longer and more expensive to build. An important but neglected part of the grade separation strategy should be to reduce the freight train speed limit from 50 mph to 45 mph.
  • Speaking of grade separations, costs continue to rise out of control, with the Broadway project in Burlingame (see agenda item 11 of the March 3rd city council meeting) flirting with $900 million. It's not just inflation. A grade separation cost model discussed a few years ago predicted that, after adjusting for inflation, the Broadway project should cost $120M all-up, including the "soft cost" category that today forms a metastasizing cancer on these projects. The city is now considering deleting the Broadway station (not a bad decision, due to proximity to Bvrlingame) to bring costs down to the still eye-watering sum of $600M. This is a prime example of the transportation industrial complex's capture of a project designated as safety-critical, where cost becomes no object because you just can't put a price on safety. In this abject fleecing, the city and Caltrain are just along for the ride.
  • Development of the BEMU continues, in spite of the looming "fiscal cliff" where one of the most logical cost cutting moves will be to suspend Gilroy service and dispose of the diesel fleet and its attendant operating & maintenance expenses. The BEMU has fewer seats (280) and more batteries (2.3 megawatt-hours) than previously understood, making it even more of a turkey for the $80M pricetag.
  • On the bright side: Caltrain's EMU service is holding up nicely!  Well done to all involved. Ridership should continue to increase as the freeways rapidly return to pre-pandemic levels of congestion misery. The way this works: 101 overflows onto 280, which overflows onto Caltrain. 280 is starting to get congested again, which augurs well for Caltrain.


  1. Re: BEMU scam:

    $9.64 million "Project management and administration costs".

    Ten million dollars of the purest fattiest lard for contractors and agency do-nothings heaped on top of the $60.98 + $7.47 (because "contingency" on a fraudulent porkfest always means "spend it all") $68.5 million dollars on one single 280-seat train designed to make one round trip a day carrying, optimistically, one hundred humans on one 60 mile round trip on five days per week.

    Oh, and another cool million dollars of public cash for unspecifiable "wayside". Maybe they're constructing a marble viewing pavilion in Morgan Hill from which to observe the gold-plated once-daily regal procession as it glides by?

    Meanwhile, a normal fully-functional, zero-million-dollar "Project management and administration costs" 200+ seat Stadler FLIRT (like the ones running in Dallas) costs about $15 million, all in, including "Buy American" ~40% overhead. (Not that Gilroy service can possibly justuify any new trains, ever. Or any trains at all.)

    Meanwhile, a normal fully-functional zero-million-dollar "project management and administration costs" over the road bus costs under a million dollars. Go ahead, splurge a bit in case ridership shatters expectations ... buy two buses! So indulgent.

    TEN MILLION DOLLARS of overhead. SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS of "contingency" (against what? Bank robbery? Inside job!)

    You see why these things have a life of their own.

    You see why the country and the planet are doomed.

    It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost? Ten dollars?

    Criminals. Fucking criminals.

    1. The most sensible though would be to just get an exemption from the 2030 pollution requirements, and/or actually go ahead with this part of the HSR build.

  2. Redwood City’s Jefferson Avenue grade separation (fully-depressed street underpass built using a shoofly) only cost around $10m in 1999/2000.

    The preferred Broadway grade separation design that fully elevates the tracks over the street and includes a new center-boarding station is clearly inherently more costly … but (admittedly unfairly ignoring inflation) $889m is like 89 Jefferson grade seps and well over one-third the $2.44b cost of the entire 7-year systemwide electrification and fleet replacement.

    All planned grade seps and bike/ped underpasses (e.g. Menlo Park @ Middle, Sunnyvale @ Bernardo, and the deferred-due-to-insanely-5-story-high-over-catenary-design-and-hence-cost NFO overpass) are being hit & hobbled by similar cost increases.

    Something is seriously wrong with this picture.

    1. You're right, these things are insane. I suspect a lot of this has to do with nonstandard designs, and varying levels of competence among governments up and down the corridor. On top of that, there's an over reliance on consultants because there's no in-house competency which just increases costs 20%+ at each and every stage. See Alon Levy's project on construction costs for best practices that align with this.

      I think there are two solutions, one short term and one long term that need to happen:

      1. Short term: We need a project authority that is backed by counties, state gov, Caltrain, and transit agencies that is dedicated solely to grade separations. This authority should have a standardized design kit and stable of engineers that can do the design work, the environmental work, permitting, etc. They also can do oversight, meaning that the only things that would go out to contract would be the construction aspect of the grade separations. From there, this authority expertise and staffing can be folded into MTC or even the state level.

      2. Long term: At the state level, we need a good rail department like the highway department that has standardized design kits, standardized contracts, a group of engineers and professionals that do the design, clearance, and management work in-house up and down the state. Ideally, a lot of CAHSR staff with their expertise can go to this department and serve not just CAHSR but the entire state in managing, designing, and delivering these rail projects like the highway department already does today, IMO.

    2. @Anonymous-S,

      Point #1, that's needed for grade separations on arterial roadways, too, not only to separate rail and road (bike-pedestrian) traffic.

      Point #2, it's a reminder that rather than thinking of the high-speed project by itself, what's really needed for the state is a system, which would include Bay Area-Sacramento regional service through an improved Altamont Pass, with connections to Central Valley and L.A. service, and the same type of service along the Central Valley as Bay Area-Sacramento regional, serving the smaller cities, with high-speed trains, if they ever materialized, serving only the largest cities between the Bay Area or Sacramento and Los Angeles, with a common, and transfer, station in the vicinity of Manteca. It's a shame the thinking of so many is poor, but what may be needed to induce some to think more systematically about rail service in the state is to have a seriously dedicated rail transportation department under Caltrans with highways a separate department under it, same with aviation, etc.

    3. The RWC Jefferson grade sep cost $14.2M in YOE, and was completed in 1999. If you take 1998 as the mid-year of construction, then inflate to today's dollars, you get $28M.

      The Broadway project is an interesting test for the question "does money grow on trees near the edge of a fiscal cliff?" We're about to find out!

    4. RE: Anon from 20:38

      Agreed, and good point about arterials, highways, etc. The construction and design standards are very similar for roads and for rail.

      I saw a recent draft of the CAHSR plan that outlines as such for point 2 to what you are saying - see this link for more: https://hsr.ca.gov/about/project-update-reports/2025-project-update-report/. Page 27 of the PDF or Page 14 on the document shows an interesting map of a broader southwest HSR network, that also breaks the system down into additional segments. For example we see Segment D, which is Gilroy - Merced; or Bakersfield - Palmdale as Segment F, and the High Desert Corridor as Segment G. I think it's a lot more realistic to break it down into these pieces as funding comes online, and encourages third parties like Metrolink/LA Metro and Caltrain to invest in their segments over time.

      RE: Clem, fair point. I do think that is why a lot of this design/permitting/contracting/etc need to be taken from cities and standardized across the state. If cities want a fancier alternative, they can pay for it, but creating standardized approaches and design help deflate these costs completely, IMO. One option, while less palatable, would be simply to build viaducts directly over the existing tracks and electric catenary. Once the viaducts are complete, close the lower tracks, and use that space as parks, trails, and station space. While this may be more expensive in some areas, it may also be logistically easier and more straightforward, especially if you standardize the design and construction like you do for highways.

    5. @Clem: Does the $600 million no-station option still include 1% maximum grade, no vertical curvature on bridges, and other unwarranted, megadollar-adding design rules?
      Do you have any estimates of (Caltrain-style) costs after fixing those ... stupid ... new design constraints? Deliberately not including U-shaped bridges, as that would require the transport-industrial mafiosi to think outside their box, rather than just going back to design constraints broadly similar to, oh, maybe San Carlos or Belmont grade separations? (Without sinking the overpassed road.) Not holding those up as a good example; just less horrifically expensive than current Broadway plans.

    6. @Clem: thanks for the corrected ($14.2m YOE) Jefferson grade separation cost. I regret my error.

    7. At cost of nearly $1billion, might as well expand the Broadway grade separation project into full grade separation within Burlingame, or even including San Mateo.

      Is the CMGC method not working to reduce time and cost? If Caltrain doesn't have in-house design/project management expertise, can it outsource to other public agencies that do, MTC, BART, Caltrans, etc...?

    8. @Anonymous-S:
      TBH it might be a good idea to just transform the CaliHSR project into a railway part of Caltrans (Cali DOT).
      Combine with picking up anyone who is good at their job from Caltrain, Metrolink, OCTA and whatnot.

  3. Watch beginning at the 2:54:26 mark of last night’s meeting video as Caltrain staffers get berated by Burlingame’s city council members after a detailed presentation of the recent Broadway grade separation project’s fraught history and the pros & cons of the latest round of “value engineering” options it seeks council guidance on, and more millions just to proceed to finish designing — none of which anybody has any realistic idea how to possibly fund before the presented costs spiral even further into the stratosphere.

    Yes, as Caltrain’s chief if construction Robert Barnard explains, they’ve used the newly-allowed steeper grades of up to 2%, and have even figured out ways to shift stuff toward parallel Carolan Ave. to avoid building a double-track shoofly and to minimize impacts on the claimed seven!? creeks, eliminated the nice bike/ped passages punched through the berm, etc., etc.

    1. In their supposedly extensive value engineering exercise, I will bet you very good money that they still have not:

      1) allowed an uninterrupted vertical curve over the bridge deck
      2) reduced freight speed limit to 45 mph to tighten vertical radius (no impact to HSR, still at 110 mph)
      3) aggressively minimized structure depth, using a through girder or similar with minimal span lengths
      4) reduced track center spacing to 15 feet (if no station)
      5) reduced vertical clearance under the bridge from a luxurious 16'6" to a merely comfortable 16' with the requirement that paving must be ground down before future replacement

      They can't and won't explain why in the "good old days" (the San Bruno grade separation completed in 2014) they could buy 0.8 miles of elevated track, 3 bridges, 2 pedestrian tunnels and an elevated station for $165M in YOE (equivalent to $225M today). Costs have not tripled after adjusting for inflation.

      All this "post-pandemic" "fragile supply chain" "geotechnical risk" yammering is worthy of the world's tiniest violin playing a sad tune to lament the fact that in ten short years, Caltrain has utterly and completely lost the ability to plan and manage a grade separation project.

    2. Wait, what? 3x in 10 years is ~12% year-on-year (real) cost growth. That is damn impressive, actually, in a way.

  4. Class 1s itch and moan about 2% maximum grades and hill climbs raising their costs while ignoring that math is taught to every child in America and we can easily see that if you raise a trackbed 20' over a quarter mile its a 1.5% grade and for many grades the track height is already superior to the gross ground level of the road it intersects. a 1.5% grade becomes an issue when that grade is carried on for 3-30+ miles, as long as the requisite AAR guidelines of vertical radius are followed, eliminating a substantial number of our nations grade crossings is simply a matter of tightwads being loosened, rather than the engineers being brought in to do miracle work.

  5. Responding to the (apparently deleted) @Anonymous post bemoaning the unavailability of Caltrain Burlingame Broadway Project “value engineering” Update slide deck, someone I know saved a copy HERE for posterity.

    It will likely be presented again tonight during agenda item 10b of tonight’s 5 p.m. SMCo. TA Board Meeting.

  6. Completely off topic but can anyone here tell me what’s the purpose of the multiple giant hallways of electrical boxes that look like something of out Space Mountain on the new Caltrain cars? I’ve ridden similar Stadler trains in Europe and I don’t recall seeing such use of seating space.

    1. With only 6 unpowered wheel trucks (i.e. “bogies”) out of 14, Caltrain’s over-motored/powered(*) 7-car KISS sets have more interior-space-robbing traction power electrical cabinets than probably most other of the world’s KISS sets.

      Only the 2 bike cars and 1 truck on each cab are unpowered.

      (*) Caltrain’s COO has said that after observing excessively strong acceleration during early testing, they decided to cap or limit peak acceleration for rider comfort and safety, particularly for ones that aren’t sitting and may fall.

    2. Thanks for the details on this.

  7. Bonus question: since the 7-car set just barely fit on many existing platforms, there is never a normal revenue service scenario in which the fancy hands-free Euro-style “Schaku” couplers will be used to couple/uncouple sets, and because they need to use one of their janky US AAR/Schaku coupler adapters anytime a set needs to be rescued or towed anywhere, why in the heck didn’t they just have Stadler fit & deliver them with cheaper and less collision-damage-prone US AAR couplers?

    1. I had the same question when the Caltrain KISS was first spotted. However, if BEMU sets were realized, then it is possible BEMU will couple with regular sets to make trips north to SF, instead of shuttling between SJ and Gilroy.

    2. Nope, the 7-car sets just barely fit on many platforms … so coupling the 4-car BEMU proof-of-concept demonstration train to them for an 11-car train wouldn’t fit on most mid-line platforms and would block numerous crossings during various station stops.

      Plans are for the BEMU (with only 3 passenger cars) to be used just as the diesel Gilroy South County Connector shuttle trains are for unelectrified UP territory, and never normally be run north of Diridon where they would also have insufficient bike & rider capacity.

    3. This makes me wonder about a cheap and easy way to increase capacity without needing increased service - lengthened platforms and lengthened trains, from 7 cars to 10 or 11 cars. Since the trains are somewhat overpowered, they could add in 2-3 unpowered cars pretty easily, and even allow for an accessible transition car while level boarding is implemented (like Clem's older post on this https://caltrain-hsr.blogspot.com/2024/10/another-path-to-level-boarding.html).

      I assume the constraints are that extending platforms at stations are probably pretty expensive, and would also require reworking of the CEMOF (which really should be relocated to the quarry at CP Lick)...?

    4. On the other hand, the most likely trains to rescue a broken Caltrain (or Cali HSR) train would be another Caltrain train (or Cali HSR train), and with Scharfenberg couplers everything happens about as fast as possible. Sorry that I'm probably Captain Obvious, but I have to remind everyone that the Scharfenberg couplers are the only automatic couplers that are actually automatic not only for the mechanical connection but also for the pneumatic (air brakes) and electrical connections. For hauling a stranded broken trains the electrical connection might even be a negative aspects as certain faults could spread through the coupler, but the pneumatic air brake connection is for sure a great thing. The rescuing train just drives slowly onto the stranded train, clunk the couplers connect, and after doing a break test off you go. No need for staff to jump down onto the track bed, possibly even needing ladders if next to a high platform if the trains are built to not be climbable.

      P.S. extending the trains rather than increasing the frequency is the ultimate austerity policy. Sure, there are lots of people who are excellent at timing their daily routines to perfectly fit lower frequency transit schedules, but there are also a lot of people who in their lives at their work have lots of random things that causes slight variations in timing, and they would very much like increased frequency rather than increased train length.

      For a future increase though I would say that Anonymous-S is on the right track with using "excess" acceleration performance, but I would rather recommend using it in a way where a few cars of the existing trains are replaced by non-driven cars, and the cars taken away from the existing trains would be used to form new trains.

      This would also solve all of the ADA compliance v.s. high floor entrance issues, as each train would have brand new cars that can fulfill ADA compliance with doors suitable for high platforms. I assume that there are no ADA requirements for bicycle parking, and thus the existing cars can be used solely for bicycles while new cars can be ADA compliant.

  8. I was never a fan of island platforms like Caltrain and others are, but damn... For Broadway, a center-boarding platform commands a $150 million premium over side-platforms. Glad that this should put an end to island platforms.

    1. Why on earth would you have such an obviously wrong preference? You LIKE missing trains by being on the wrong platform? You LIKE longer access times? You LIKE the extra cost of duplicating all the station services and amenities?

      Just bizarre.

      Island platforms are always (when feasible) ALWAYS the correct station design, just as fast-slow-slow-fast is ALWAYS (when feasible, which it is everywhere on Caltrain, ignoring isolated Lawrence mistake) the correct track configuration.

    2. Huh? When and why would I miss a train? Between signs, announcements, apps, twitter/x, when do you still actually miss your train?

      Island platforms make sense if you have the luxury of spending extra money on extra land acquisition, are dealing with local-only service that's not subject to the sideways jerks as express trains weave around platforms. Island platforms suck for waiting for passengers, as they have fewer benches, TVMs, Clipper Terminals, and get overwhelmed when trains arrive from both directions at the same time.

      I won't disagree that there might be some narrow corner case where they are better.

    3. "When and why would I miss a train? Between signs, announcements, apps, twitter/x, when do you still actually miss your train?"

      Twitter/x? Oh sweet summer child.

      When I'm in civilized parts of the world — you know, technically advanced industrialized functional democracies — I like to arrive at a station about one or at most three minutes before a train's scheduled departure. Why would I wish to waste my life idling forlornly on train station concourse levels, wondering where and when when the train might show, repeatedly reloading "twitter/x", when I could just, you know, walk up to the platform and board the arriving train?

      But you do you. Install our app! Smash the like button!

      "Island platforms make sense if you have the luxury of spending extra money on extra land acquisition ..."

      You haven't even thought about this, let alone thought it through, have you?
      Do you even know what an "order of magnitude" (decimal, binary, whatever base you like!) even is?

      Anyway, here's a naïve (I could be a bit more technically precise today, but, really, why? why? WHY? why bother?) from fifteen years ago: No, "land acquisition" (especially where you ALREADY OWN THE LAND) isn't the issue. Isn't even AN issue ... it's not even a rounding error compared to just agency "soft costs" (aka in-house self-dealing rent-seeking consultant payola) for not designing a station that could ever be built.

      But you do you, I guess.

      "... not subject to the sideways jerks as express trains weave around platforms ..."

      Tell me you've never experienced anything outside the USA without telling me you've never experienced anything outside the USA.

      But to be fair, that's probably how things work on your HO scale model train set.

      "Island platforms suck for waiting for passengers, as they have fewer benches, TVMs, Clipper Terminals, and get overwhelmed when trains arrive from both directions at the same time. "

      Have you even visited the San Francisco Peninsula, California, USA, on Planet Earth, in the Year of Our Lord Twenty Twenty Five?

      Hillsdale station's Clipper-deficient island platform, OVERWHELMED by the San Mateo County Fair! The horror. The horror.

      Anyway, you have many interesting opinions. Seems you'd fit right in to an executive or senior planning position at any transportation agency in the USA, including Caltrain and CHSRA. Go for it! Positions are open. Cultural compatibility and values alignment make you a shoo-in!

    4. In my experience, the only reliable way to tell which platform Caltrain will arrive on is by looking at the signals. Listening to the station announcements leaves you susceptible to both false positives and false negatives. If signals aren't visible from your station, too bad for you! For an elevated station, island platforms are absolutely superior for this reason.

      For a ground level station, I see a significant benefit to side platforms. For a center platform, you have to go down the stairs, through a way-to-deep and way-too-high-ceilinged tunnel, and back up every single time you arrive or depart. For side platforms, half the time you are already on the correct platform and don't have to deal with the tunnel.

    5. Even when electronic signage and occasional PA announcements at stations correctly (and they don’t always) indicate when a train will be arriving at the platform opposite its usual platform, there are almost always some riders, including ones that have arrived just in time, that realize this too late (e.g. as their train pulls in “over there”) and miss it … sometimes after trying unsuccessfully to unsafely scramble — sometimes slowed by bikes, luggage, kids, age, or disabilities — to reach it before it pulls out.

      In addition to nobody ever being on the wrong platform and Caltrain having to worry about receiving letters of complaint from riders left behind every time they run trains opposite their normal track, it makes for easy cross-platform transfers (e.g. to “back-ride”) for those who accidentally (or intentionally) missed their stop.

      And so that — in addition to numerous other logistical and station construction & maintenance reasons – is why center platforms are superior.

    6. AG, yes, but... there are not that many places where a big station reconstruction *might* happen (or ought to happen or have happened in a less shitty world than ours) where the tracks wouldn't be elevated. Bayshore, Millbrae are all I see.

      I agree that Caltrain's pedestrian access ramps and tunnels are shit -- far too narrow, all built around WE'RE A FREIGHT RAILROAD BEHOLD MY AREMA STANDARDS and "what's the absolutely ADA-mandated minimum we can get away with" paint-by-numbers "engineering". It's really sad, first because it makes for sad places, second because we paid for it, but mostly because this poisons the well for pedestrian underpass access to station platforms elsewhere — people can look at the freshly-built ramps at South San Francisco and say "that's not comfortable". Same with those going from grade to above-grade at Hillsdale. Just sad. Not humans first.

      My points of comparison are in European, particularly in Switzerland, where pedestrian tunnels (and over time increasing to more than one per platform over time, ridership always increasing, for good reason) are the norm, and they're sufficiently wide and maximally open and maximally non-circuitous that putting them in is seen by passengers as a positive thing for passengers.

      It's all so depressing to watch the wrong thing happen here over and over and over again, and for no reason at all. Own goal after own goal.

      SF Transbay disaster ⇓
      Mission Bay ⇓
      22nd Street ⇓
      Oakdale non-existent (but ⇓)
      Bayshore level, new as FSSF island platform with tunneled access
      So. San Francisco level, island platform with tunneled access
      San Bruno ⇑
      Millbrae level, but FSSF island platform for central Caltrain tracks with IDGAF access
      Broadway non-existent (but ⇑)
      Burlingame ⇑
      San Mateo ⇑
      Hayward Park non-existent
      Hillsdale ⇑
      Belmont ⇑
      San Carlos ⇑
      Redwood City ⇑
      Menlo Park ⇑
      Palo Alto ⇑
      California Avenue ⇑
      San Antonio ⇑ (return San Antonio Road to grade you cowards)
      Mountain View ⇑ (returning Shoreline Boulevard to grade you cowards ... but not going to happen)
      Sunnyvale ⇑ (return Mathilda Avenue to grade you cowards)
      Lawrence level, unchanged, regrettable, "mistakes were made"
      Santa Clara level
      College Park non-existent
      San Jose ⇑
      Tamien unchanged island platform with tunneled access

      PS Marco Chitti, now posting on the alternate Nazi-simp cryto-bro-owned hellsite (when will they learn? Lucy and the football!) has a not-unrelated brief set of posts about transformation of an example strip-of-rock-platform at-grade historic station into a nicer one with nice pedestrian access: "one can really see the evolution from the old type of narrow low platforms with at-grade access (first 2 pics) to the modern h55 one with underpass and canopy (last 2 pics)."

    7. PS the South San Francisco station underpass access from the western side is actually very nice, and the tunnel itself is pleasantly broad. Good job in a nasty freeway-hell environment! I actually like it! So there!

      It's the uncomfortably narrow minimum-ADA ramp up to the platform and up to the street on the eastern side that are unneccesarily sad. So close to actually being okay ...

    8. Richard. I suppose it's you that have never ridden a Caltrain that expresses past an island platform and jerks you side to side as it does that.

      I'm not following how HO trainset is related. I wasn't talking about a model railroad, so not sure how you confused that.

      There will absolutely be a sideways G force applied when going around a platform. There are noticeable forces applied to the trains and riders from the rails when hitting S-curves that can't be super-elevated.

      But there are other factors such as fewer benches, fewer ticket machines, fewer clipper cards that don't do anything to enhance the passenger experience. I can't tell what you're referring to, but it feels like you are prioritizing some rare edge case where a train switches tracks and riders are already on the platform, rather than focusing on the common case.

      Island platforms absolutely take a ton of extra land that either has to be bought or will simply prevent adding a 3rd or 4th track ever in the future. How do you think they could squeeze 2 more tracks that have to weave around a massive platform?

      And I still

    9. Martin,

      1. " never ridden a Caltrain that expresses past an island platform and jerks you side to side as it does that."

      It's possible I've been enduring Caltrain's shit service and shit ride quality since before you were born. (Just guessing, early 1990s, amitrite?)

      Also, the only present Caltrain island platforms are South San Francisco, Hillsdale, and Belmont, and I've never noticed ride quality being particularly shittier there (AND CALTRAIN RIDE QUALITY IS SHITTY EVERYWHERE, BECAUSE CALTRAIN IS MAINTAINED AND THUS PERFORMS LIKE A FUCKING 19th CENTURY FREIGHT RAILROAD) than it is at any of the nineteen other shit side-platform stations.

      If you're hurling up your breakfast while careening through the Hillsdale—Belmont roller-coaster island platform Torture Nexus, then boy do I have some AREMA geometry turnouts (JERK JERK JERK!) and fucked-up FRA "class 4" track to sell you. Caltrain ride quality, even with cool quasi-Swiss trains, is SHIT, because US track geometry (turnouts especially) and track maintenance is SHIT. Nothing at all, nothing whatsoever, to do with side versus island platforms. Caltrain's brand-new trains can ride like shit on "straight" track, no problem. It's just so so sad.

      2. Your implication that lateral track slews must result in hideous "sideways G force" is indeed more based on model train snap track curves than actual first world railway engineering.

      3. Yes, a "a sideways G force applied" -- such technical words! But how large? How big is epsilon?

      "S-curves that can't be super-elevated". Utterly false.

      It's true that some curves don't need to be, because the curve radius is so large compared to track speed that it's pointless. But those that ought to be, are. Your search term for today is "Gleisschere" . Maybe you'll learn something.

      4. "fewer benches, fewer ticket machines, fewer clipper cards that don't do anything to enhance the passenger experience".

      This is just imaginary. Sorry. Caltrain is so pathetically low-ridership that nobody would notice if it simply disappeared. Multi-minutes-long queues for "clipper cards" that cause people to miss trains are simply things that don't exist here on Planet Earth. The huddled masses yearning for benches for their weary limbs, likewise.

      5. "Island platforms absolutely take a ton of extra land"

      Dude, this is 100% false. I linked to fully dimensioned (and sub-optimal, because banged out in a hurry 15 years or so ago) drawings. You're wrong. The footprint differences are down in the noise — especially when rent-seeking consultant scum payola dominates everything else by an order or magnitude. Just give up.

      "some rare edge case where a train switches tracks"

      Oh boy. Just check out https://nitter.poast.org/CaltrainAlerts

      "How do you think they could squeeze 2 more tracks that have to weave around a massive platform?"

      Because they already own the land? Because the single central "massive platform" is in fact narrower than two platforms?

      Just give up.

      Facts just aren't on your side.

      It's just weird how weird people get weirdly attached to weird ideas, isn't it?
      When I see something I know nothing about, I express no opinion about it.
      When I have some idea that turns out to be wrong, I abandon it.
      Pretty easy.

    10. Drunk Engineer18 March, 2025 10:42

      I also am not a big fan of island platforms, as it creates passenger access issues. Consider an at-grade station, such as the BART Warm Springs, which was built with island platform. Every trip to/from the station involves a level-change, and a stupidly high one at that. If it had been built with outside platforms, then half the trips would be simple flat access from street to platform (well Ok it is BART with the magical mystery tour through the fare-gates but you get the idea...).

      The other issue is that with the single, shared stairway causes passenger flow conflicts. If you ever visited the Market St subway BART stops (pre-pandemic) then you know the problem of having to push your way through a crowd of people coming off a train while trying to get to the platform. Granted, one could argue BART did not put in sufficient vertical circulation (and it is not as if Caltrain has an overcrowding problem), but all other things being equal having separate access points is better.

    11. Santa Clara BART is going to be even worse than Warm Springs. Getting from El Camino to the BART platform will require going down 1 level, through the existing tunnel, then up 2 levels to a BART concourse, then back down to the platform. BART described it in a presentation as similar to Warm Springs (which it only is if you ignore the Caltrain half of the station), a station they claim riders have responded positively to.

    12. Not sure even this is quite as bad as Dirion / Downtown SJ stations, which will be all the way down in the 5th circle of hell.

    13. @Drunk: Warm Springs center platform access should’ve been from below — not above — off of a nice wide well-lit bike/ped tunnel/breezeway that gently and steplessly ducks under the BART and UP tracks. Much less climbing and falling that way — especially and even more-so if the BART tracks & platform had been slightly elevated.

      @AG: in the wake of some withering criticisms of the maximally up/down circuitous platform to platform transfer access path, I saw a VTA presentation showing an revised Santa Clara BART station design to allow nearly level ped access to the center platform once inside the BART station, eliminating the need to climb up over and back down to the platform.

    14. Drunk Engineer18 March, 2025 18:04

      Reality Check: try visiting Richard Amtrak/BART station to see how that works out. While somewhat preferable to WS, it still involves a lot of unnecessary of up/down. ADA-compliant ramps are often too meandering to be useful (non-ADA ramps would be a great solution, but alas not allowed anymore).

    15. I believe Richmond requires no more than a single down & back up again to get from anywhere to anywhere else. And ADA-compliant ramps are only there for those who either need them (good!) or want for some strange reason to take a longer/slower step-free path despite being able to use the faster stairs (also fine). To make up having one extra down & back up per daily round trip (vs outside platforms) to Richmond riders and train operators both never have to worry about showing up on the “wrong platform” … ever.

    16. It's actually quite common to have side platforms in Europe, and they tend to work decently.

      It seems like the main issue on Caltrain is late platform changes in combination with a dysfunctional information system.

      The only really acceptable thing nowadays is that the signalling system outputs raw data about train paths in a way that any information system can consume, and that information does automatically progress onto electronic signs, automatic loudspeaker announcements, apps and whatnot. Also any signs and loudspeakers ought to be placed where they are actually needed, like for example at whatever point anyone needs to make a decision on which platform to go to.

      In some cases manual operation of the information systems might be needed. It might be reasonable to have a few seconds of delay between data coming from the signalling system and actual information is sent to the public, to allow manual intervention. Ideally existing signage would show flashing question marks during this time to warn the public that an announcement will likely follow immediately. I would think that just doing everything automatically would be better in the long run.

      Note that automatic loudspeaker announcements can use either speech prerecorded in a suitable recording room and with a person who is excellent at speaking clearly, or a high quality speech synthesis can be used. This makes the loudspeaker announcements actually usable to a larger percentage of the public. (For those systems where someone not hired specifically for their speech skills do announcements it tends to sound like gibberish and can just be treated as an indication that it's time to look at the electronic displays).

      But also: Why have track changes at all? Caltrain is a double track railway with very few freight trains.

      Stations where trains terminate, and stations where there are more than one platform track for each direction, is an exception though and those for sure benefit from island platforms.

      Btw note that side platforms are great for transfers between trains and other modes of transport. For example you can have bus stops on a road adjacent to a side platform, with cross-platform interchange between bus and train. The same obviously applies to light rail and whatnot.

      (I wouldn't recommend building anything new with side platforms except in rare exceptional cases, but Caltrain already exists with it's side platform and there needs to be a cost-benefit analysis for each change).

  9. Surprise! Projected cost of Mtn. View’s Rengstorff Ave. planned grade sep just shot up by $118m or 35% from $335m in January of 2024 to $453m in January of 2025.

    So city staff tersely reported at last Tuesday’s Council Transportation Committee meeting that since there’s now a $159m funding shortfall that they’ll be “value engineering” the cost down and report back to council with their results by this Fall.

    It was only $120m in 2014 and $262m in 2022.

    1. Rengstorff grade separation is a terrible, terrible, horrible disgusting hellscape project: an absolute ORGY of road widening, road excavation and endless utility replacement masquerading as a safety project masquerading as anything at all to do with Caltrain, resulting in an even more hopelessly shit human pedestrian environment than they already have.

      If it were a rail project (it isn't) it could be constructed — as every Caltrain grade separation should be, with the soleexception of 16th Street in SF — as a rail over road bridge. With 2% grades (actually can only get 1.45% on the south side, for different crazed Caltrain AREMA-cut-and-paste "design standards" requiring constant grade between vertical curves), 45mph freight speed (110mph passenger) design speed the project wouldn't even touch San Antonio station, and would be just under 1.2km end to end and on the Caltrain right of way. If Caltrain can't build that for under $450 million they shouldn't be building anything, anywhere, at any cost — just stick a fork in it, put them out of our misery.

      If Mountain View wants to turns its traffic sewer stroads into subterranean traffic sewers, that's on them. The only point where a rail grade separation should even touch the streets is exactly at the street crossing, and then only to build any needed temporary tracks. Anything else, NOT A RAIL PROJECT.

    2. My accidentally-"anonymous" comment, obviously.

  10. Speaking of totally out of control costs (as we always are), Caltrain's San Mateo Replacement Parking Track project, comprising one (1) turnout, one (1) derail, construction of about 300m of non-revenue track on existing flat, bridge-free right of way, and without planned electrification, is budgeted at $10 million. Oh yes, for reasons there's 1300 feet of 10 foot high "sound wall" (one side of the ROW only, supported by 16 foot deep piles) thrown in.

    No, I didn't add an extra zero to the dollar figure. They did.

    They simply can't build anything any more; certainly nothing that needs building.

    1. A handful of Hayward Park neighborhood NIMBYs went apeshit when they learned of Caltrain’s plans to build that replacement parking track over 6 years ago. They created very scary melodramatic flyers and a big poster-board they brought to meetings with unbelievable images of tamping machines and ballast regulators & lots of laughable melodramatic rhetoric. They used social media and went door-to-door with petitions to prevent the destruction of their neighborhood and property values and riled up enough other to fill meeting rooms in SM City Hall and berate Caltrain staff who were pressured to hold meetings to “listen to & respond to ‘community concerns’” by elected city & county officials. Caltrain had to develop fact sheets and even created and posted a super boring YouTube video of Burlingame’s parking track to try to counteract and talk-down the bullshit that it would be a like miniature CEMOF with diesel engine noise & exhaust, dust, lights, and horn-blowing and grubby workers coming and going at all hours, etc.

      As a result of this endless neighborhood agitation, Caltrain was politically forced into appeasing the neighbors with the sound-wall (with neighborhood polls of what it should look like and plant coverings), and to change the access point to be via a new road from the nearest 9th Ave grade crossing instead of a direct gate through the fence (now wall).

      You’ll see at least one of these people are still at it in the correspondence package of the last JPB meeting, now demanding Caltrain do additional vibration measurements of passing passenger & freight trains, this time throughout the entire night, etc. (The woman can never be satisfied … nothing Caltrain does is ever enough for her.)

    2. Reality Check: fume as you like (and I like) about sub-cretinous sub-human Concerned Community Representatives, but you still don't get up to 10 million Earth Dollars for one simple stupid (and useless, .... shhhhhh) 350m spur track with one turnout due to the nefarious cost escalations due to scary dreaded NIMBY boogiepersonages.

      You get there in reality because rent-sucking pig-fucker consultant scum want, ON TOP OF THAT COOL TEN MILLION, $345,488 JUST TO "DESIGN" ("¡¡¡DESIGN!!!", not construct, nota bene, just "design") the add-on overhead traction for this inutile spur track that will never be used for anything.

      Cherry on the top!

      Off the charts. Out of control.

      ie ... The system is working exactly as intended.

    3. I think this is an example of where the California Democrats should really take the chance of doing something locally unpopular and take a small hit in vote counts, possibly even sacrifice that communities representative, to punish excessive nimbyism.
      I don't know anything about that local area, but what the state politicians could do is just close the highway connection to any place that is too nimby, citing that all the highway connecting traffic is dangerous and ruins the character of the community.

      Or for that sake just buy a bunch of those transfer-rail-vehicles-on-road trailers, join them and park them where they wanted their parking track, and possibly even leave some loud diesel trains idling,

  11. I wonder how much of this massive cost increase is due to Caltrain's revised rules for grade separation post-electrification. These rules were just developed last year and probably weren't part of the original design criteria for Broadway.
    Last year, Palo Alto asked for Caltrain input on their (interminable) deliberations on grade separations at Churchill and Meadow/Charlston. They were quite shocked by the results. The following are a samples of new rules:
    1) 16.5ft clearance required over roadways (up from 15.5ft previously). This clearance must extend over the entire width of Caltrain ROW, even if bridge is not full width (to allow bridge widening later for 4-tracking without lowering roadway). It seems that 15.5ft might be allowed in some cases with a variance and sacrificial beam.
    2) 20-25ft (!) clearance from track center for any construction work adjacent to an active electrified line. This makes shoo-flies need to be really far from viaduct/berm construction. If this clearance cannot be met then work can only happen overnight which would dramatically increase the costs.
    3) Rail bridges must be wide enough to include a 10ft roadway adjacent to the tracks for OCS inspection / maintenance etc.

    For details, see the presentations and reports at the Jan 2024 and March 2024 Palo Alto Rail Committee.

    1. Write your own "standards", write your own blank checks.

      "Oh sure, they might be able to do "that" (pick anything, anything at all rail related) in places like Switzerland with [checks notes] famously cheap wages and famously poor safety records, but we can't ... because standards. Our hands are tied! Please whatever you do don't throw us into the briar patch!"

      Caltrain is 100% captured by the construction-industrial consultancy mafia; like VTA and like BART before it, it is a barely-alive brain-dead husked-out host body that exists solely to provide sweet, sweet nutrients to the thriving parasitic chest-bursters.

  12. The Daily Post story on the huge Rengstorff cost increase also mentions that the simple-seeming Middle Avenue bike/ped tunnel under the tracks in Menlo Park recently doubled in one year’s time to $62m. From what I read elsewhere this was largely due to Caltrain imposing the new requirements @jpk122s mentioned on the project (e.g. tunnel must now be the full width of the ROW for possible future quad-tracking).

    1. To be clear, I think Caltrain is 100% correct in not allowing anything in their ROW that would restrict them from 4-tracking in the future. Any realistic 8 Caltrain / 4 Pacheco HSR plans are going to need 4 tracking (or at least 3-tracking) in this area.

    2. Due to even Caltrain not including Menlo Park in the areas it has identified where quad tracking may someday be needed to accommodate overtakes (primarily by/for HSR, if it ever gets here), it seems Caltrain could have offered Menlo Park the option of a binding agreement to later fund whatever modifications may be needed to their bike/ped underpass for quad-tracking, if & when ever actually needed (vs. requiring them to needlessly, speculatively bear those costs today).

    3. I believe at one point Caltrain did say that maybe part of the tunnel inside Caltrain's ROW could remain uncovered so long as MP agreed to pay to cover it up at some future point if needed. Not sure if Menlo Park took them up on this offer. It really does not make sense to build ramps inside the Caltrain ROW when there is plenty of space outside it. Would you let your neighbor build a structure partially on your property so long as he promised to rebuild it if you ever really needed him to?

    4. "Any realistic 8 Caltrain / 4 Pacheco HSR plans are going to need 4 tracking (or at least 3-tracking) in this area [Menlo Park—Palo Alto]"


      Not that 8tph Caltrain south of Redwood City makes any sense at all, or is in any way "realistic".

      As I've been saying for decades, look at BART, which doesn't and never has provided that level of service, ever, on any of its branching lines to far-off suburban nowheresvilles, on lines with vastly less parallel freeway capacity and decades-ahead suburban "development", and never will.

      8tph SF—SJ is simply insane. It's not going to happen, ever, and certainly not before the soon-rising seas and soon-uninhabitable equatorial zones make all of this a sick joke.

      But regardless, "realistic" 4tph Pacheco (Pacheco HSR itself both insane and Never Going To Happen) needn't involve multi-tracking in Menlo Park: it looks something like this. Caltrain service (the stuff actual humans might actually use, here in the shitty real world) wants quadruple tracking Belmont—San Carlos—Redwood City; 4tph imaginary Altamont HSR wants quadrupling Bayshore—South San Francisco; delusional imaginary Pacheco HSR wants Bayshore—South San Francisco and Palo Alto—California Avenue—San Antonio and triple-tracking San Jose Cahill—San Jose Tamien.

      Anyway, all angels on the head of a pin.

      Caltrain can't build anything. Not for less than $500 million/km. Which means nothing can possibly be justified ... unless you're actively on the take. Stick a fork in it. Kill it with fire.

    5. Given the current state of affairs and out of control costs it's hard to imagine any of this happening, but I do think that you have to maintain the ROW assuming that someday things might improve.
      The middle avenue undercrossing is just north of PA station and it's not hard to imagine 4-tracking PA station having impacts that extend that far north. Not to mention the rebuilding of the decrepit San Francisquito Creek bridge that needs to happen urgently. Both of these projects could be made more expensive and complicated by needlessly narrowing the ROW to save MP a few bucks on their pedestrian undercrossing.
      Also, when considering realistic 8/4 Pacheco plans I wasn't really thinking about those with a HSR stop in RWC. I was assuming 45-50 minutes SF-SJ times with stops at Mission Bay and Millbrae as is currently proposed.

    6. Any station area that doesn't allow 4-tracking is going to get relegated to less service and likely capped at 3-4 tph to keep non-stop service moving. It's unfortunate that this isn't being communicated clearly to town like Palo Alto. Allow quad-tracks, or 4 trains per hour is all that's we're going to support.

  13. All of this discussion about massively increasing costs, complexity, and logistics makes me think that we probably need a regional authority or organization that can design, build, manage, and deliver grade separations all around the region (not just for rail, but for arterials, roads, etc). I don't know if this is better under MTC or VTA or a joint venture, but something along those lines.

    Make-up of the authority: You would just need 1 CEO/manager, a couple project managers, a couple engineers, a couple lawyers on retainer, a few environmental experts, one or two grants people to write grants, and a couple support staff. 25 staff at $160K each (salary is 100K, benefits 60K), means $4M a year in salaries and benefits. Times 10 years, that's $40Mish. Assuming a $175M tax collection per year means there's about $170M to play with for grade separations per year, or an average of 2-3 grade separations funded per year.

    Charge of the authority: establish standardized designs for the corridor, contracting, procurement, and environmental review. The cost savings comes from bringing in as many functions as possible into a public agency to minimize the consultant and design-build cost overruns.

    Financing: You could also pair it with a tiny tax increment financing mechanism or similar tax on activities immediately around the tracks and stations if funding is an issue, where a 0.1% sales tax or similar tiny tax is implemented to fund grade separations and transit improvements all along the corridor. 71 grade separations on the corridor times average cost of $50M gives us a total cost of $3.5B. Over 20 years, that's an additional increase of taxes of $175M per year, which is a rounding error when considering the amount of wealth in the area. Cities, VTA, Caltrain, etc can pitch in additional funds if they want something beyond the standard boilerplate separations.

    Once the authority completes it's work, it can be folded into the state rail agency or MTC and continue its work elsewhere, e.g., the East Bay using a similar mechanism.

    The bottom line is that a tax increase of just $175M per year with a sub $5M investment in an agency would give us MASSIVE cost savings, especially if they have a standardized design, procurement, construction, and management approach where the only contractors or consultants would be for construction of said grade separations, that are designed and built as cheaply as possible. If cities or counties want something more complex, they can pay for it.

    1. Check out Brisbane’s Level Crossing Removal Project. It’s just one of the models referenced as an possible organizational structure in the ongoing development of Caltrain’s Corridor Crossing Strategy.

    2. Melbourne, not Brisbane.


      Clem will like this I imagine. (Off-site pre-cast concrete bridge beams, none of the bullshit make-work cast-in-place endless-inefficiency hell we endure hereabouts.)

      Also the subject of one of Reece Martin's transit nerd tourist videos Learning From Melbourne’s Level Crossing Removal Project if you're into ... watching ... that ... sort ... of ... thing.

    3. The way the system currently accomplishes the transfer of public funds (state, county and city) to private pockets works very well indeed, thank you very much. We can add another CMGC middleman with the benefit of the costs becoming "their" costs, not Caltrain's costs, so blame can be shifted away from the front for the entire scheme. It's just another step in the streamlining of the flows. Setting up any sort of competent government capacity to build these things the way we used to (as recently as ten years ago!) would only impede the flow of money, and rests on the conceit that the public benefit of a grade separation rates anything better than a secondary, or at best tertiary, goal of the operation.

      Viewing things this way is cynical, but it sure does explain a lot of what we observe.

      My belief remains that all grade separation projects should be discontinued entirely. They provide little to no benefit to Caltrain or to the riding public, and the opportunity costs of not building projects that actually improve service are enormous.

    4. Clem,

      While you are 100% right in a vacuum when thinking about service, I don't fully agree because that ignores the political realities of what is going on here.

      A big part of the issue with transit and CAHSR has been politics. Grade separations and grade separation spending is "easier" because it is the responsibility of the cities along the corridor, not Caltrain's. Also, grade separation is an easy project to get behind largely because it also benefits communities, bikers, drivers, pedestrians, etc - not just service which is unfortunately an abstract concept to most Americans. For this reason, it's easy politically to stump for grade separations where you can add in some other investments that would improve service like building all separations here on our for 4 tracks, etc...

      The problem I am trying to point out is that cities don't have the capacity or the institutional experience and knowledge to do these projects themselves, and the corridor would benefit from a dedicated team that goes up and down the corridor because a grade separation in Burlingame affects grade separation designs in the cities around it.

    5. Anonymous-S dude,

      Grade separations are not the "responsibility" of the local cities. Caltrain is always the lead agency.

      The state and the counties, not the cities, provide some cash (oh yeah baby sweet sweet sweet earmarks, just the thing for "soft costs", cue up the Barry White baby-making music) which are labelled "Caltrain" and labelled "grade separation" and labelled "safety" (¡¡¡SaFEtY!!!) but which, of course, are immediately and directly converted into consultant swill.

      The consultants go out and directly coach "the community" to provide the correct (cost maximizing) "input" — I've seen it with my own eyes —, and, well, here we are.

      What "the community" and "local elected officials" are coached to demand (maximum excavation, maximum roadwork) has less than nothing to do with Caltrain and far less than nothing to do with SaFEtY and, well, everything to do with rent-seeking cost maximization. We can't ignore The Community! We must, we must, we must dig deeper and deeper. For Community Benefit! Our hands are tied!

      Same with the "standards" that Caltrain's consultants develop, they alone, America's Finest Transportation Planning Professionals, above and beyond all others. For they know, They know. Oh yes, they know. They know, it's about SaFEtY, right? Right.

      The politics of supposed democratic representation have nothing to do with the [insert any peninsula city here] council — these people are cheap cheap CHEAP to buy. For God's sake, Willie Brown, final boss level boss of an actual city back in the day, could be bought for a mere five digit numbers — peanuts! With each grade sepaeration we're talking eight digit numbers of swill, hundreds of millions of dollars here for one single rail bridge over one single road. The "politics" are super easy to arrange at that level, barely an inconvenience!, and have less than nothing to do with "benefits communities, bikers, drivers, pedestrians" pablum drivel.

  14. Interesting video explaining how a broken coupler adapter (like Caltrain uses) caused the recent derailment (“*Entgleisung”* in 🇩🇪) of ÖBB’s (Austrian 🇦🇹 federal railways) brand new KISS train under test on the 13.3 km test center loop track in the Czech Republic 🇨🇿: https://youtu.be/gUFrbfb35Cw (you can switch the audio track to English).

    Note that like most of the world’s EMU operators, instead of ordering all 7-car sets, ÖBB was smart enough to order 89 of its 123 sets (“*Garnituren*” in 🇩🇪) as 4 cars and 36 as 6 cars to allow flexible right-sizing of trains to 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 cars.

  15. Question - what happens to the abandoned right of ways like Sacramento Northern? How do people find this information out? I only can find the abandoned rail map (https://www.abandonedrails.com/california), which doesn't have information on if the ROW is preserved or still available.

    I ask because I am wondering if California needs to aggressively purchase right of ways and abandoned lines for both passenger rail use and for moving freight rail off of routes that are better used for passenger rail much like the proposal to resurrect the Sacramento Northern for freight to free up capacity between Sacramento and Martinez for Capitol Corridor. There's also the Milpitas - Niles segment, the Oakland subdivision, and even the Tracy line that all should be resurrected for freight to free up capacity for passenger rail.

    The same goes with the Oakdale branch, Central California Traction line, Walnut Grove Branch, other parts of the Sacramento Northern route which would be excellent for Merced - Sacramento. For LA - SD, there's the Lake Elsinore branch, Riverside Branch, Riverside junction, etc....

    1. A small part is used by the Western Railway Museum

    2. One way to look up ownership (which is not quite the same as availability) is on a website like Caltopo.com – free to view USGS topos and Open Street Map, but as a subscriber you can also overlay Google maps and a parcels layer. You can view 3-5 of these at once using the right-hand menu. Using Western Railway Museum as a sample, the portion they run trains on from Dozier Way down nearly to Suisun Bay, they own it, but north of Dozier towards West Sacramento (interrupted by the Yolo Bypass) the right of way has reverted to the local farmers. Near Suisun Bay there are also sections still owned by Union Pacific (predecessor Western Pacific bought out a number of the SN lines after they went bankrupt in 1940). Some places you can also use the property lines to follow semi-vanished rights of way (even if there is not exactly a RR-width corridor, the property line persists). There are cases where if a railroad is formally abandoned, their right of way reverts to the landowners it crosses. Caltopo also has scanned topos from maybe the 1990s, which can help sort out which line was SP and which was SP. Also an intermittent layer of historic USGS quads which can tell you who the earlier railroads were (useful in my case to sorting out the Boston and Maine RR from the Boston and Lowell; they owned very little of their network; rather they leased it from the original early town-to-town lines; hundreds of leases and lawyers made their northern New England network stick together until it fell apart). -bp

  16. Replies
    1. Corridor To Do List

      Start with a good timetable
      Keep slow traffic in the middle
      Don't short-change Caltrain service
      Use a common platform height
      Convert to level boarding
      No elephantine stations
      Straighten some curves
      Banish heavy freight trains
      Avoid tunnels
      Buy extra-wide trains
      Use off-the-shelf train control

  17. Tiniest thing ever: You misspelled Burlingame as Bvrlingame in the post / thread start :)

    1. I took this as a reference to station signage, which uses "V" in place of "U"

    2. @MiaM you’re obviously not among the observant riders familiar with the historic BVURLINGAME station sign.

    3. MiaM, it's a quirky local-ism. You can approximate the "local commuter view" using Google maps' Street View photo, from the track side of the station – look up Burlingame and plop the little yellow feller on East Street. One thing you can't see from the train (while staring at the bigger-than-life wrought-iron letters) is Burlingame Ave. Lift the little yellow feller over to this busy shopping strip and treat him/her to coffee and pastries. Back a few blocks is a classic California bungalow neighborhood, sorta 1914-ish. (Similar to the Key System era streetcar suburbs in the Oakland Hills, and San Francisco's Westwood Park, but more oaks and sunnier).

  18. In other news.... the next presentation was released from the Muni Metro Capacity Study


    1. idiot doom spiral20 March, 2025 15:32

      unbelievable own goal on slide 8. yup we sent ridership to ZERO in 2020 because we, unique amongst large transit agencies in the world, entirely shut down the main artery of our city. now please enjoy our eight meeting ideation series where we solicited some very valuable focus group feedback ("Very unacceptable because it makes driving difficult"). and astutely note that crossing gates "Introduces a new thing for SFMTA to operate and maintain". truly our primary goal as a city-state should be to minimize the number of things muni has to operate and maintain.

      if we hadn't forsaken the light of god perhaps we would currently live in a world where president decapitates muni and caltrain instead of uh... NIH, NSF, NOAA...

  19. I just saw Alstom’s new TGV “INOUI” features a self-service interior rotating(!) lift to allow autonomous wheelchair user access between the boarding vestibule level and the maybe only a foot or so lower wheelchair parking level in its one designated accessible car. (Note the woman interviewed near the end complains that there is still no wheelchair access to other cars or the upper level cafe/dining area.)

    Seems a needlessly complex & costly electro-mechanical solution where it appears maybe a ramp or something simpler might of worked.

    It is briefly again shown here.

    1. Looks very similar to the one on the class X50-X54 trains in Sweden, which were initially created by ABB which afaik later became part of Bombardier. (Not sure if the intercity version X55 has the same lift or not - I would assume so).
